June 23: The Little Rascals are here!

The Little Rascals arrived Sunday, June 23 with very little fanfare. It’s our first litter of all boys! They are a beautiful variety of colors. Mama Punkin is a great Mama and they all vigorously nursed from the start. They weighed about 4-5 oz at birth, which is typical of Punkin’s babies. So tiny, but so strong!

One Week Old

Lots of eating and sleeping going on this week. Their mission is to double their weight in their first week of life, and it’s a lot of work for both them and their Mama! We weigh them every day and they’re right on track!

We’ve decided to call them “The Little Rascals”.  From top to bottom it’s Spanky, Alfalfa, Buckwheat and Froggy.

Two Weeks Old

While you can mostly find them in a big, sleeping puppy pile, they’re starting to get their legs under them and crawl around a bit. They’re very interested in what Mom does and Spanky even tries a little of her food for himself. It’s how they learn!

Three Weeks Old

It’s time to discover the great outdoors! They’re  curious about new experiences, but still stick close to their Mom or their people. They have a big Chessie puppy “cousin” that they love to watch and interact with. He’s 2 days older than them, but a LOT bigger!

Four Weeks Old

They’re really on the move now! Catching them for a group picture is no easy task! They are eating some of their own food now, as well as nursing. They wrestle a lot and are exploring more of their area on their own. Still having lots of supervised visits outside, when the weather cooperates. And always, always spending lots of time snuggling their people!

Five Weeks Old

When they’re not outside, they’re inside playing with a great variety of toys. Their pen is in the middle of our home, so they see and hear people and their sounds all the time. And it’s hard for the family to resist picking them up and giving a snuggle when they walk by!

Six Weeks Old

After a loooong play session, they were finally ready and willing to sit for their portraits. Such pretty babies!!

Seven Weeks Old

These guys love their outside playtime! We have “Puppy Playtime” at least 3 times a day, for the puppies to get out of their pen and experience new things. Outside they focus on sticks, flowers, grass & leaves and chickens. And of course, chasing and wrestling their brothers.